1. Answer one of the below questions
• Choose one area of the brain and describe its primary function(s). (Consider how we know what these functions are and if there is any researcher conflict about the functionality of this area).
• Write about the neural changes that can happen with trauma. Explore with respect to structure and function of the brain.
• Write about how attention can modulate perception of one of the senses.
• Write about one aspect of language reception or production.
• How does alien hand syndrome inform arguments about free will? Explore with respect to the structure and function of the brain
• Write about how Alzheimer’s disease changes the brain and how this leads to altered behaviour.
• Write about the possible effects of COVID19 on brain and behaviour (please note that this is an emerging field so check that there is sufficient information available before you choose to go forward with this topic)
• Toxoplasmosis has been implicated in mental health and behavioural changes even in “benign” infections. Explore the evidence and make an argument for whether/how this infection could affect
behaviour/mental health.
• Weigh in on “baby brain”. How does the maternal brain change during pregnancy?
2. The assignment should be written in an essay format and should include an intro,
body, and conclusion. Sub-headings and figures are permitted.
3. The word limit is 1,500 words (+/- 10%), excluding the cover sheet and the
reference list (but including in-text citations, quotes, figures and tables)
University policy) with a grade of 0% if it is more than 10 days late.
BHS30004, 2020 – Report 2: Task Description

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5. Be sure to write everything in your own words as Turnitin will be used to check
for originality. Plagiarism will be taken very seriously.
6. You must use APA 7th referencing style for your bibliography and in-text citations.
Follow the ‘How to reference in APA style’ guidelines exactly:
7. In addressing these questions, consider research investigating the impacts of
brain injury, healthy brain structure and function, and brain stimulation. You can
also consider the impacts of treatment or intervention on brain structure and
8. The main skills being assessed here are: research skills; critical thinking and
understanding of the topic; clarity of expression; correct terminology; the ability
to identify and explain the most relevant aspects of a complex topic concisely and
accurately (and in your own words); appropriate referencing.

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