Task: Write a 750-word self-reflective journal on the following topic:
‘Reflect on your learning and academic progress drawing from key aspects of the Communication for Academic Purposes modules (1+2)’.
For this journal you will reflect on aspects of learning acquired and skills developed from key experiences. For example, the modules included sessions and practical workshops on academic writing, referencing and plagiarism, planning and structuring essays, critical thinking, working in teams, engaging in reflective learning and developing SMART goals. Identify and critically evaluate your learning and indicate how you will address areas for development.
You are required to use at least three academic sources in this assignment, correctly referenced according to your pathway’s referencing style. If you are unsure about the referencing style you should be using, please double check with your tutor.
Theories of reflection such as Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1988) and Schön’s reflection in/on action (1983) can be used to help you with the self-evaluation. You should see recommended readings on Moodle (CAP1 and CAP2 pages) and use Library Search to locate appropriate sources.