Option #1: Research Based on Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

The Portfolio Project is designed to require you to expand your understanding of Things Fall Apart by combining knowledge and application of content with your own interpretation and judgment.

For the Portfolio Project, you will write a research paper about Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, supplementing your own interpretation with information from three to five other sources.

Your interpretation of this novel should reflect an international perspective. Information about planning your research paper and conducting your research can be found in the lecture material for Module 5. The portfolio project is due in Week 8.

Essay Formatting Requirements:

5-7 pages.

Minimum of three sources (excluding the novel) – must be credible, authored sources; anonymous Websites or sites like Wikipedia are not acceptable as one of your three main sources.

Double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12-pt font.

Provide support for your arguments based upon both the required and recommended readings for the course, your research, as well as to incorporate any relevant points culled from the discussion boards.

Finally, you will take the particular research question that you are developing as the argument of your Portfolio Project and contextualize it in such a way as to convey an international or multicultural understanding of the novel.

In other words, any critical perspective from which you frame your argument and overall paper needs to convey a sharper international or multicultural understanding of the novel and should be reflected in your outline and reference list.


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