VRIO Analysis
Write a report on the VRIO analysis, explain what it is, and why it is important for an organization and then do a VRIO analysis on your organization.
McKinsey 7S Model
Create a McKinsey 7S model for your organization. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the McKinsey 7S Model.
GE-McKinsey Matrix
Create a GE-McKinsey Matrix for your organization. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the GE-McKinsey Matrix.
Red Ocean Vs. Blue Ocean
Explain the difference between red oceans and blue oceans. Then, using your company as an example, write a report about the industry in which your company operates. Are there areas for blue oceans that you company could potentially compete in? How do they currently compete? What products/services could enable your organization to compete in a blue ocean?
Product Life Cycle
Discuss the product life cycle of a product or service for the company. Then write a report about what you learned and how the company get extend the life cycle of a product through innovation, new markets, and/or technology.
Do a benchmarking exercise of the company. In the process, benchmark both the company (against the competition) as well as the industry as a whole. How does the industry benchmark against other similar industries