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Discussion Thread: Survey Research and Public Administration

Surveys are not as commonplace as some would know; however, they have evolved into numerous variations compared to the paper and phone call surveys placed so many years ago. In multiple industries, consumerism is a more common construct, and “Consumer research is used frequently to understand or evaluate public policy issues” (Hastak et al.… 2001) The global society relies heavily on technology for communication, marketing, and research, including poling. This includes consumer policing, which this author is talking about food, but the critical component is the medium on which it is polled; for example, “The Internet and social media were identified as information and promotion channels for this form of gastronomy” (Wiatrowski et al.… 2021). This post will broadly cover survey research used to support and analyze public administrators’ policy decisions in the following sections.

Public Administration and Surveys

Survey data on a grand scale is nothing to joke about; however, it is laughable at the different concepts that must be in play just so a successful data retrieval is possible. One example is if a public administration agency surveys nationally, they must tailor the build to include DEI constructs and regional influences and be mindful of the restricted period. One example is gathering data for a speech; for instance, the current POTUS said, “Tonight — tonight we meet as Democrats, Republicans, and independents, but, most importantly, as Americans with a duty to one another, to America, to the American people, and the Constitution, and an unwavering resolve that freedom will always triumph over tyranny” (State of the Union Address 2022). If one were to notice critical points like “Mostly Americans” (State of the Union Address 2022), created from research gathered. Surveys are used for some of the most straightforward concepts and even the most impactful, like the State of the Union Address. Public administration only functions with data, as without data, it would leave it functionless, and the primary point of data is from the constituents that reside in the designated regions or the country. The government relies on it for credit, purchasing trends, market stability, and population density. The most notorious survey will be examined in the following section, and the basics of implementing it are gone over.

The Most Notorious Survey

People remember many surveys, for instance, compatibility surveys in magazines and psychological surveys to assist in I.Q. Scoring. The most visible and notorious survey is the United States Census. The Census surveys questions like nationality, birth date, sex, marriage, and children and once asked about homeownership. These surveys have been around since 1790 and have evolved. The evolution has changed some of the dynamics of the question and included different vehicles for dispersion, like email, social media, gift card enticement, and texting. This survey is one of the largest in United States history, originating from the nation’s political leaders. That is saying something since democracy is supposed to include answers to questions. The Census has gone from a question precisely to generate data on the population of the United States to a standalone entity that also generates wide-scale surveys like The Monthly Advance Sales for Retail and Food Services (MARTS) and the American Community Survey (ACS). A compelling survey list from Census.gov and viable data apply many public administration role requirements. Public administration analysts and leadership cannot always generate data from their offices. This means they will work through agencies like the Census to gather general data to determine the appropriate path they may need to take for an ongoing or future problem. In the next section, the basic concept of how research is performed for surveys and if it applies to the current needs of the U.S. demographic.

General Research

Research is a part of all scientific study, as the definitive meaning of research is “The systematic investigations into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions” (Stevenson 2010). Researching an approach for surveys is not unheard of and even researching where the surveys are intended to be dispersed is commonplace in some environments, for instance, political environments. The U.S. Census Bureau must research before developing and conducting any surveys or building new programs. This research allows the agency to determine what surveys are needed and what portion of the country they may need to be sent out. One example is displayed in the population of interested statements pulled straight from the Census site. For example. “The population of interest for this survey contains the fifty state governments and 89,608 local governments (counties, municipalities, townships, special districts, and school districts), including the District of Columbia. The entire universe is canvassed in years ending in ‘2’ and ‘7’. In intervening years, a sample of the population of interest is surveyed. The survey coverage includes all state and local governments in the United States” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019) Of course, that is just the population of interest and does not include the research done in smaller cities or regions. The Census agency works in smaller areas which are a bit less daunting due to the population of scale and allows for a minor program or process to be developed. One example is, “The data collection for the state and local finance survey comprises three modes to obtain data: mail canvass, Internet collection, and central collection from state sources. Collection methods vary by state and type of government” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019). Research is essential for survey development and disbursements, keeping current with the technological platforms available for surveys. One example of a trend drastically different from the first versions developed of the Census is “Data for the balance of local governments are collected via electronic questionnaires sent directly to the county, municipal, township, and special district governments” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019).

Survey Research Used to Support Public Administration Decisions

Many surveys are already active within the U.S., and multiple entities participate in politically fueled surveys. This section will focus on the U.S. Census Bureau and the surveys they provide to the U.S. Government. Quickly the surveys provided have an impact on tax implications, e-commerce, tourism, community development, local business development, fast food expansions, and the list could go on for a while. One such example is the “Annual Probation Survey and Annual Parole Survey” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019), and this survey is essential due to the content of the study. If one were curious about who may have been recently placed on probation, recently paroled, or will be paroled soon, this survey hits the mark with highly accurate data points up to the filing point of the survey. This survey also contributes to developing new schools, high-value retail store placements, church development, and satellite police offices. The annual Business Survey Program (ABS) ch is the following survey that is sometimes overlooked. “The ABS Program combines data results from survey respondents and administrative records to produce data on business ownership. The survey is collected from employer businesses, and the non-employer data are compiled from administrative records” (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019). This survey can assist in determining expansion, taxation, the need for additional commerce, failing commerce, lack of DEI, projected employment, pending legal implications, and the combination of limitless data points. These are only two surveys used actively and only from one agency. Some entities like universities, medical facilities, private companies, and even individuals perform widescale surveys that can be utilized in a political environment. The implications are almost unlimited, and they need to place the most significant impact on survey development, so regionally, they vary drastically. The individual utilizing already established agencies like Census or safety agencies will have access to data that would dwarf most others so that the survey toolbox would be loaded. If the individual looks for fewer known entities or individuals, the toolbox may provide unreliable data and non-impactful tools. Surveys being general q, questions have been around a lot longer than 1790, and in the following section, applicable scripture will be reviewed in correlation to surveys.

Biblical Integration

No single action is taken today aside from using specific tools that have not been done in the past. People pretend to be someone else for ill-gotten gains, and even people steal children to raise them as their own. The action of the human race is not new but merely utilizing different tools to accomplish the same old tasks. Research and surveys are no other, even dating back to Biblical times. One verse that focuses on similar constructs is “Desire without knowledge is not good, and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way” (Proverbs 19:2 ESV). No simple term indicates research is needed, and there is no way around it. To clearly understand anything, one must have the correct information, and the Bible indicates, “If one answers before he hears, it is his folly and shame” (Proverbs 18:13 ESV). This verse has multiple layers, from lies, manipulation, and honesty to keeping one’s integrity which all apply to this post concerning research, surveys, and public administration. To maintain one’s integrity, one must keep to the path laid before them and speak on only what has been provided, for instance, “For we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20 ESV). This indicated one should not adjust data, fake data, or lie in general then, it will not only fail in terms of data validity but faking something of this nature will most assuredly come back to impact everyone involved in the end. Surveys are essential and have existed for an unimaginable time. The point of surveys is to get an answer to one or multiple questions. The Bible states, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7 ESV). This verse is simple, but it impacts heavily. One must only ask to obtain what is requested, it is a strange concept for those struggling and those in need, but one must consider how the question is asked.


To include a conclusion to what is a post about questions is a bit redundant, as the concept has existed since the dawn of man and will continue to exist far beyond this post. Questions are a part of the societal development of man and happen daily, especially if children are included. Children meaning those who may not have experienced life, understand the basic concepts like the boiling pot is hot, so one should not touch it. As a society, surveys are a reality, and while a survey is only standardization of questions that need answers, they are not going away anytime soon. Lastly, without survey data, there would be no social media, improved technologies, and bland foods. As a society, we rely on social data; without it, we will not grow. This author makes a great point about survey data “Work on survey inaccuracy in electoral politics tends to focus on turnout misreporting gender differences in survey response and the distinction between motivated reasoning and expressive survey response. We lack a good understanding of the tendency to over-claim about politics in surveys” (de Geus & Green, 2021). This makes one think that if surveys are being used like they are going out of style, why are there issues with almost every election or political event concerning survey data? Lastly, the overall concept of survey research is sound; the human portion of surveys leads the process astray; these are just considerations when the next political pole fiasco shows up in the news.


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