Topics to choose from:
1) The implications of new definitions/forms of communication in contemporary life
2) An extinct, or nearly extinct, form of communication
3) Intercultural issues in communication
Research paper assignment: Write a 5 – 6 – page paper, double-spaced and formatted according to the APA conventions. The paper must include a References page with at least four entries; two of the entries can be interviews, and at least one must be a non-cyber source. The paper will refer to each of the sources in the text.
Research paper Guidelines: Pick one of the suggested topics and narrow the focus: make a specific, original point as your central idea about the topic. Support that central idea with observations and research, devoting one paragraph to each point that supports your central idea. Include a concluding paragraph that reiterates your central idea and summarizes your main developing points. Make sure that your essay is clearly written and that you edit it for grammar.