Pre-Laboratory Questions g=

  1. Give three conditions that will promote the forward reaction in an equilibrium.
  2. The following equilibrium is formed when copper and bromide ions are placed in a solution:

heat + Cu(H20)6” + 4Br 6H20 + CuBr4-2

(blue)                                                 (green)

  1. Answer the following questions when KBr is added to the solution:
  2. What will happen to the equilibrium?
  3. What will be the color of the solution?
  • Will the solution be hotter or cooler? Explain.


  1. What will be the color of the solution when the solution is heated?


  1. In the equilibrium of acetic acid explain what will happen to the pH of the solution when sodium acetate (CH3COONa) is added to the solution.

CH3COOH(.0 +                                     + H30+,,

  1. A state of dynamic equilibrium exists in the silver(I) carbonate solution. Ag2CO34, 2Ag+ + CO32-4,
  2. Will the equilibrium shift towards products or reactants when Ag2CO3(0 is added to the solution?
  3. Where will the equilibrium shift when Ag2CO3(.) is added to the solution?
  4. How will the equilibrium be affected when HC1,4 is added to the solution?


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