Discuss the role of Catholicism, rural Italian culture, urban American settings that Italian-Americans faced upon arrival, and language barriers that inhibited Italian-Americans from entering the workforce. Explain the role of strong extended family bonds in all of this.
Discuss the utilization of stereotypes in prejudice. Why do stereotypes make prejudice easier to use? What can people do to lower the volume of their stereotypes?
What makes the US. an assimilation society? Who wins and who loses from it?
How did economic and class backgrounds differ among waves of immigrants and within waves of immigrant groups? Which nationalities arrived with more skills and education?
Latin Americans make up 75 percent of all undocumented immigrants to the U.S. The other 25 percent of undocumented immigrants hail primarily from Asia. Why do you think that this significant proportion of the undocumented population that is not Latin American is generally ignored by the media and politicians?