doing presentation slides About ( Arabian Oryx) and covering all information that i will provide you in two files the description and rubric follows each step and covers all information in each slide. Provide outline of each slide for explaining because the slides should be as pointed.


Format of Presentation – each number corresponds to the material needed for each slide of your present-

1.) Title Slide – this should include the common name, scientific name and a catchy phrase/title to interest us in your animal. It should also include a picture of the animal.

2.) Taxonomic Group – starting with Kingdom Animalia – list the Phylum, Class, Order, and Family to which your animal belongs, as well as list the scientific name of the animal itself.

3.) Habitat, Range, and Ecology – this slide should include a description of the types of habitat(s) where your species is found (freshwater wetlands, temperate forests, marine intertidal?), where it is found geographically (its range), and some interesting facts about the animal’s ecology (Is it a predator? What does it eat?, etc.).

Photos and maps enhance the information.

4.) One distinctive morphological characteristic of your animal that appears to be an adaptation to its habitat or lifestyle (think of special appendages, body shape as related to movement, etc.)

  1. and 6.) Research done on your animal – use one slide to give the overall goals and objectives of the

primary literature paper that you chose to read about your animal (was this study done to understand this animal’s mating behaviors, is it a phylogenetic study to understand its closest relatives, is it a look at how this species responds to changes in carbon dioxide levels in the ocean?)

On the second slide, include the most important figure or table from your paper that summarizes the results of the study on your animal. When you give your presentation, you will need to walk us through both axes of the figure or the columns of information on the table and summarize the trends that it shows.

7.) Why did you choose this animal? Give us one personal connection or fascinating fact that you know about this animal that led you to choose it.

8.) Literature Cited Slide

With the exception of the literature cited slide, do not go below 24pt. font. Limit your presentation to 8 slides.

The literature source are :

Primary source that will use


Secondary sources: 1- (



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