Jason Blakely, “How School Choice Turns Education Into a Commodity” From The Atlantic Magazine April 17, 2017


Who is Betsy DeVos? Where is she from? What is the main focus of her political activism? Why does DeVos think the public education system is not capable of being truly innovative like a Google, Facebook, or Amazon?
What does Arizona’s “school of choice” law allow for?
What is neoliberalism? What is its goal? What is the neoliberal view of public institutions and private markets?
What two models of freedom are at odds with each other in our political system?
What is a positive outcome of “creative destruction” in markets?
What happened in Detroit after two decades of marketization of schools?
What does the introduction of market choice in Nevada schools tell us about which groups are most poised to benefit from neoliberalizing schools?
How can school marketization start a vicious cycle?
What is the logical conclusion of individualism?
What kind of good is education?
What is the one kind of individual choice neoliberalists reject?
What is KIPP?
Why are school choice advocates critical of centralized education? What are they in favor of?
What does the author think debates about “freedom” in education ought to focus on?

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