The Film Critic
Unit 4 Assignment
OVERVIEW: This is a critical analysis essay and study on an influential film.
RATIONAL:Film Critics play an integral role in the entertainment industry. Critics provide a forum for
thought and discussion amongst its readers. Critics also inform the industry on its shortcomings–so that
they can better develop content for their audiences.
REQUIREMENTS: (all requirements must be followed exactly) ●300 minimum word count-total (body)
○Do not exceed 500 words
○See word count requirements below
●MLA/APA style
●Minimum 1 outside resource
○`Works Cited page. To avoid plagiarism, no more than 20% of essay can be outside
resource. Cite all sources used and do not forget in-text citations.
●Minimum 2 “Selfies”
○I must see both you and the movie screen in the same pic.
■1 selfie to be at the title screen.
■1 selfie to be during the middle of the movie—with one of the leading characters
in the background.
■copy/paste the selfies at the end of the works cited page.
●Submitted as a .pdf or .doc file
Writing Prompt:
Write a film review based on the structure below and the list of films on the next page.
I. (50 words max.) Overall impression of the film. Was it good or bad?
II. (100 words max.) Who directed and starred in the film? What is the film basically about?
Has it received any awards or acknowledgements then or now?
III. (100 words min.) Review–Describe what was the most or least enjoyable aspects of the
film. Describe the aspects that worked and/or did not work.
A. Provide examples from the movie that illustrate your arguments.
IV. (50 words max.) Conclusion.
Provide a rating (4 of 5, Thumbs up/down, etc.)