Getting involved in advocacy can be an uncomfortable process, but it is important as professionals working with children and families that we consider being an advocate. One of the first steps in advocacy is identifying the issue(s) that you are most passionate about.

1. Therefore, think about your profession upon graduating from UTC (teacher, service provider, therapist), what issue(s) related to your profession are you most passionate about? And why is this important to you? (This may require some reflection on your part).

2. Follow the steps below in order to start the process of becoming an advocate for this issue(s).

  • Know your subject. Find out what is happening related to this issue and discuss what you have learned.

Network. Which professional organization could you join that would have individuals who are also interested in this issue? Explain how joining this organization would be beneficial to your issue. You may not find the perfect organization for your issue, find the one that you believe would be most helpful.

  • Develop an action plan. Identify the steps you can take to effect change.
    How would you go about advocating for this issue or what are some advocacy strategies you would use to bring about change on this issue?

3. Who/What are some community partners you can collaborate with to address this issue? If possible, identify specific community partners that can help with the issue. For example, don’t say a food bank. Research if there is a food bank in your community and talk about that specific food bank and how they are helping the community and how you could partner with them.

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