Lesson Plan

Part 1

Lesson Plan: Create your lesson plan using the Kolb Triple E Lesson Plan Template. Be sure to include the following information in your lesson plan:

Audience: Who will you teach? Grade level and content area.

Standards/Objectives: Texas State Standards Math or Science

Content Standards: Which content standards will you address? What is the learning goal/objective(s) of the lesson(s) you develop and deliver? What do you want your students or peers to know and be able to do by the end of the lesson? How will you know that the goal/objective is met?

Technology Integration Standards: Which ISTE standard(s) is the best aligned with the content objective and a good fit for the instructional task? How will students use technology during the lesson to address this standard/objective? How will you know that the goal/objective is met?

Resources/Media: Include any and all resources you use to teach the lesson. This may include exemplars, presentations, assessments, handouts, videos, websites, etc.

Plan for technology integration: How are technology tools integrated throughout the lesson to address the learning goals and address Kolb’s triple “E” s?

Detailed Lesson Plan (Procedures): All learning activities are outlined including a description of what the teacher does and what the student does for each component of the lesson. Teacher notes to support preparation for the lesson should also be included where appropriate.

Assessment: How will you assess learning associated with your lesson? What do the assessments tell you about student/peer understanding of new content? Include assessments and artifacts produced by students/peers during or at the conclusion of your lesson.

Part 2:

Reflection (answer all 5 questions below)

Reflect upon your experience developing and teaching your lesson, changes you have made to the lesson plan, and feedback you received from students, peers, and instructor. The reflection should be at least 500 words in length.

What went well in your lesson? Provide support for your answer.

Were the content learning objectives achieved? Provide support for your answer.

Were the ISTE Student Standards met? Provide support for your answer.

What adjustments/improvements to this lesson or changes in the delivery of the lesson would you make if you taught it again?

What can you apply in the future that you have learned in this course and through the development of this lesson?


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