Relationship between the stock market and real estate market in the UK and Germany
Topic questions:
a) Whether a short-term or long-term relationship exists between stock and real estate markets in the UK and Germany from 2006 to 2020? If so, what is this relationship?
b) What are the driving factors of this relationship?
c) What are the implications of the results of this study for investors or policy makers?
Literature Review
Research Status and Development
Evidence of Integration
Evidence of Segmentation
Evidence of Causal Relationship
Summary of Empirical Evidence (if needed)
Driving Factors of the Changes in the Relationship between the Stock Market and the Real Estate Market
Substitution Effect
Macroeconomic Transmission Effect
Wealth Effect
Credit Expansion Effect
Investment Portfolio Adjustment Effect (Based on Modern Portfolio Theory)
Any others you can think of
Anything else you think would be relevant
Relevant papers:
Liu et al. (1990) – theory of integration and segmentation
30 to 40 sources would be great
Any that are relatively new would be great as a lot are pre-2000.