This is for Australia Primary School Teaching (years 1-6)

Prepare a digital portfolio that includes the following parts.

A report on two Creative Inquiry activities and relate this to your future teaching

practice. (Only use CI activities that are identified on Blackboard as suitable for this

task.) Address the following questions for each CI (use them as headings):

1. What were the main steps to create your digital learning/pedagogy ‘prototype’?

List the technologies and specifically describe how the features were used to

create the prototype. Include evidence of ‘prototype’ that was created. If the

evidence is video, include still images and link to the video.

2. What challenges (positive and/or negative) did you face and how did you respond?

3. How might you apply the technology / process in your future teaching and why?

Give examples of curriculum activities. Identify and justify which APST you are


4. What are the potential problems when using this in an Early Childhood / Primary /

Secondary setting? How might these be addressed?

Each response should be 500 +/-10% words, excluding the reference list. Please

ensure that you add a word count after each response. [Relevant criteria for Part 2:

report and relate]

Part 3

A reflection on your learning so far in the unit. Address the following prompts in your

response.EUN101 – Assessment 1 Page 3 of 6

• Apply educational theories, models and literature (both general and relating

specifically to digital pedagogies) to rationalise why and how you will use digital

technologies in your future teaching practice.

• How do the CI activities compare to your experiences at school? Which aspects

were you most comfortable and least comfortable with? Why?

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