What is your first memory of resolving a dilemma specifically from the perspective of right versus wrong?

This memory might be from your early childhood or even your teens. It might be something simple, such as whether to squash a bug, or something complex, such as whether to lie to cover up a colleague’s misdeed. What was your dilemma, and what was your solution? What influences in your life led you to that decision? Looking back on it now with perfect hindsight, would you change anything?

Compose a response of approximately 500 words. Organize your response in the following manner.

  • First, describe your dilemma. Provide the necessary contextual details so that people who don’t know you can understand. Use the reporter’s questions of when, where, who, what, and how to set the scene.
  • Explain the solution—how did you resolve the conflict?
  • Reflect on one or more influences evident in your solution. In other words, why did you make this choice?

This is an exploratory paper and it should have a beginning, middle, and end created by your storytelling. Make this uniquely your story—give your reader a clear, detailed picture of your dilemma; a simple explanation of your solution; and a description of the influences that informed you.


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