This argument essay requires that you not only inform, but persuade a reasonable audience to agree with a specific claim that you are making about your issue and to motivate action. You are making an argument in this paper, but beyond that you are seeking to persuade an audience to act on the argument you make. This paper will be more challenging because, it requires that you “state your position unequivocally and make it appear reasonable – which requires that you offer evidence and defend against logical objections” (Behrens and Rosen 82).
Develop a comprehensive and detailed Argument that appeals to a reasonable audience and motivates action. Support your discussion by synthesizing evidence from different sources. Write a paper of 2-3 (double-spaced) pages. In addition to the essay, you will need to include a Works Cited page that indicates the sources you have used to complete your assignment. As you integrate direct textual evidence, your analysis should solely represent your own analytical thinking.
Consider the following questions when developing your Argument: