• Arrival (2016): Explores a linguistic angle in depicting communication with ET
Movie link: https://ny6mediashare.ensemblevideo.com/hapi/v1/contents/permalinks/n2F5Hoc3/view
depicting contact with extraterrestrial intelligence. As you watch, reflect on the material we have
discussed this term.
Write a short essay (1 page) addressing these 3 questions:
(1) What parts of the movie seem realistic and consistent with the material we have discussed this
term? What parts of the movie are not realistic? Give specific examples, e.g., having to do
with physical laws, scale, etc.
(2) Do you think the movie is realistic in depicting how humans might interact with
extraterrestrial intelligence and vice versa? In your answers reflect on the argument discussed
in class about the probability that other civilizations are more advanced than Earth’s.
(3) Comment on the ending of the film. What consequences of the alien-human contact are
portrayed and what do you think will happen going forward? Do you think the contact was
overall hopeful or negative for the future of humanity?