Do you have complaints about any of the following?Appetite_________ Constipation_________ Menstrual difficulties________Bleeding gums_______ Diarrhea_________ Sudden weight change_______Bruising________ Edema_________ Stress_________ Chewing or swallowing_____ Indigestion_________
Do you use tobacco? Yes____No____ If yes, how much? __________________
Did you recently stop smoking? Yes____No____
Do you enjoy physical activity? Yes____No____ What do you do?_______________________
List any food allergies or intolerances________________________________________________
Drug History
List any prescribed, over-the-counter, herbal, or vitamin/mineral supplements you take:
Do you follow a special dietary plan, such as low cholesterol, kosher, vegetarian?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Have you ever followed a special diet? Yes____No____ Explain ______________________________________________________________________________
Do you have any problems purchasing foods that you want to buy? ______________________________________________________________________________
Are there certain foods that you do not eat? ______________________________________________________________________________
Do you eat at regular times each day? Yes_____No_____ Explain ______________________________________________________________________________
Identify any foods you particularly like ______________________________________________________________________________
Do you drink alcohol? Yes___No___ How often?________
What change would you like to make? Improve my eating habits ___________ Improve my activity level ___________Learn to manage my weight ________ Improve my cholesterol/triglyceride levels _____ Other __________________________________________________________
Please add any additional information you feel may be relevant to understanding your nutritional health ______________________________________________________________________________
Personal History
Are you employed? ______________Occupation______________________________
How many people in your household? _________Ages_______________________
Present marital status: Single Married Divorced Widowed Separated Engaged
Do you have a refrigerator?___________________A stove?________________
Who prepares most of the meals in your home?_____________Who shops?_____________
Do you use convenience foods daily? Yes____No____
How often do you eat out?______Where?_______
Have you made any food changes in your life you feel good about? Yes____No____
Who could support and encourage you to make food changes? _________________
Educational Interests
What information would you like from your nutritional counselor?
____Supermarket shopping tour ____Eating out tips ____Exercise