• what linguistic choices have you made in your re-write with regard to lexis?
• what linguistic choices have you made in your re-write with regard to syntax?
• what linguistic choices have you made in your re-write with regard to overall text organisation?
• and, crucially, why have you made these choices. Please be explicit and provide specific examples:e.g. ‘In paragraph 1 I have changed X to Y in order to put emphasis on agency’ instead of ‘I have changed the syntactic structure’.
• Normal referencing applies.

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Reference Books Covered

Thornborrow, J. (2012). Narrative Analysis. (Links to an external site.) In: J. P. Gee and M. Handford (eds.),The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Analysis, pp.51-65. Taylor & Francis..
Shen., D. (2017.) Stylistics and Narratology (Links to an external site.). In M. Burke (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Stylistics. [Online]. Taylor and Francis.

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