Understanding Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol, is a form of hyperlipidemia that indicates that the blood has excess lipids or fats, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. High cholesterol often indicates and abundance of LDL or non-HDL bad cholesterol in a person’s blood. There are several factors that may contribute to high cholesterol such as poor nutrition, obesity, smoking and age. Gender can even be associated with high cholesterol as more males than females are diagnosed with this condition each year.
Define hypercholesterolemia
How many affected /families/ U.S. prevalence in certain ethnic groups or regions /Internationally?
Causes of Hypercholesterolemia
Specific causes of non-genetic non familial hypercholesterolemia
Specific Genetic causes of familial Hypercholesterolemia
How is familial Hypercholesterolemia identified/tested
Why is familial hypercholesterolemia often misdiagnosed
Is familial hypercholesterolemia related to nutrition
If not, Why is familial Hypercholesterolemia often misdiagnosed as nutritritional/ dietary/lifestyle Hypercholesterolemia
What is the harm/morbidity/risks of familial hypercholesterolemia to the body/cardiovascular system
How should it be treated with diet/exercise and or medication/respectively
Should it be treated the same as strictly dietary hypercholesterlemia
Studies or outcomes of such treatments of methods
Nutritioin role in hyperlipidemia