1. The Citizen and Government – what do we expect from our government in these times? What is our role in governance of our nation?
2. The Founding and the Constitution – what is the government’s constitutional role in a crisis of this sort? Are any governments violating the Constitution of their state or the nation?
3. Federalism – How do the federal, state, and local governments work together? What is each level’s role/responsibility? Should it be the way it is (mostly up to each state) or should we change the balance of power?
4. Civil Liberties and Civil Rights – What is the balance in this time between safety and liberty? You cannot have both at high levels, so which is more valuable? Are any liberties or rights being violated during this time?
5. Public Opinion – How much of the government’s response should be driven by what the public wants? Are we overreacting and catering to fears, or are we doing what is sensible and best for all?
6. The Media – How does the media affect the government’s response? How are they doing at reporting vs. sensationalizing? How important is free journalism and access for citizens in holding government accountable?