Module One (+30 Points Cite each from Ebrahimi’s article)
What is the definition of programming? (+3 Points)
What is an example of programming? (+3 Points)
Why is programming important? (+3 Points)

What is the definition of web source code? (+3 Points)
What is an example of web source code? (+3 Points)
Why is web source code important? (+3 Points)

What is the definition of a technology crisis (Y2K Viruses or Spam)? (+3 Points)
What is an example of a technology crisis? (+3 Points)
Why is technology crisis important? (+3 Points)

What is your support and/or refute use external references for the topics of programing, web source, and technology crisis? (+3 Points cite from two external references/not personal experience here)
Personal Life Experience (+25 Points)
What is your personal experience with programming knowledge at this stage of life? (+3.5 Points)

What is your personal experience with web source code or creating a web page and hosting it with a web hosting company? (+3.5 Points)

What is your personal experience with a technology crisis? (+3.5 Points)

What is your personal experience with E-Commerce or Digital Economy or Information System itself such as TPS? (+3.5 Points)

What is your personal experience with organizational strategy, competitive advantage, and information systems? (+3.5 Points)

What is your personal experience with ethics, privacy, and information security? (+3.5 Points)

What is your personal experience with data and knowledge management? (Your experience in building a database counts) (+3.5 Points)
References (+20 Points)
List at least 6 references including the article. (+10)

Make sure to put in-text citations WITH YEAR AND PAGE NUMBERS. Citations from text & article. (+10)

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