Research paper proposal and annotated bibliography
Research Topic: Are deliberative democracy better than representative democracy?
a one-page single spaced paper proposal (Remember – It is a proposal: it indicates what you will be doing. The proposal is not intended to be a mini-version of your research paper)
In the Introduction to your proposal
A). Outline your research question
What will you be exploring in your actual research paper?
B). Clearly establish why your question is significant
Why should we care about this topic?
Provide a little background on the issue/controversy that you are weighing in on
C). Outline your hypothesis
What do you think you will find?
What is the argument that you think you will be making in your actual research paper?
The Body of the Proposal:
Discuss how you will answer your question. Note: since this is political theory course. Please try to focus more on theories.
Are you attempting to explain a single case/event?
What actors, structures, institutions, evidence, will you focus on and why?
Are you using a specific case/event as a way of testing a more general hypothesis/theory?
What is it about the case/event that makes it a good test (is it a crucial case for example)?
an annotated bibliography with a minimum of 8 peer reviewed academic sources.
For each source include 1 paragraph summary of the main argument and how it relates to your specific research question.