PYS 101: General Psychology Mid-Term Assignment Review Sheet (50 points)_
Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to review and reflect on material we have covered from January-March in PSY 101.
(1) Zimbardo, Johnson, & McCann text: Assigned pages from chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Highlights from Textbook Readings
Chapter 1: Mind, Behavior, and Psychological Science. What is psychology and what is it
not? Types of psychological research and research ethics. What is pseudo-psychology?
Chapter 2: Biopsychology, Neuroscience, and Human Nature Focus on the brain and in this chapter.
Chapter 3: Sensation and Perception Focus especially on perception.
Chapter 4: Learning and Human Nurture. What is learning? Habituation; classical and operant conditioning; stimulus, reinforcement (positive and negative) punishment. Cognitive psychology: Bandura’s observational learning,
Chapter 5: Memory (1) Forming Memory: What are the three basic tasks of memory? What are the three stages of memory? What is chunking and maintenance rehearsal? (2) Retrieving Memory: Understand how we retrieve memories. Identify some factors that may affect memory retrieval (memory’s “seven sins”).
Chapter 6: Thinking and Intelligence Problem-solving strategies and blocks, decision-making and cognitive illusions (or biases in decision -making). Differing views on intelligence (i.e., g factor, Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory, and Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences)