For this weeks Discussion Forum, we will explore some of the questions surrounding cellular growth and reproduction, food spoilage and disease. Discuss each of the points below.
1) What is pasteurization and how does it improve the shelf-life of select foods without effecting the nutritional value of the food? Provide an example.
2) How does refrigeration limit microbial growth? What effect does extreme temperature (hot and cold) have on the enzymes involved in cellular metabolism, growth and development?
3) How does pH effect enzyme activity? Why do specific enzymes have specific pH ranges that they can tolerate in different parts of our bodies (Fig.2)? Provide one example of an enzyme, its function in humans and the pH range in which it operates.
4) What do hyperthermophiles (Fig.3a) have to do with DNA fingerprinting (Fig. 3b)? Briefly explain.