Fluid, Electrolytes, and Acid/Base Balancing – Worksheet
What are the two fluid compartments of the human body and roughly how much fluid is in each compartment?

What are the membranes that make up the two fluid compartments?

What is defined as an inorganic compound that dissociates into ions and is closely related to fluid balance?

What is the largest way that we gain water, how about lose water?

The level of _______ determines the volume of metabolic water formed.

What are the four different triggers that can trigger the thirst response?

Where is the thirst center found?

What are the two main solutes found in urine?

What are the three major hormones that control renal secretion and reabsorption of Na+ and Cl-?

What is the major hormone that regulates water loss?

What is water intoxication and how could it happen in the human body? What is the mechanism in which water is pushed into the cells?

If you had a patient that is severely dehydrated, what type of solution would you want to give that patient in their IV and why?

What is the chief cation of extracellular fluid? What is the primary anion of extracellular fluid? What is the primary/chief cation of intracellular fluid? What is the primary/chief anion of the intracellular fluid?

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