What is an example of past trends pertaining to the development and operation of community based corrections? How does institutional corrections and community corrections differ in relation to operations and development? How can we improve the development and operation of corrections by utilizing past, current, and future trends?

  • What are the technological functions within correctional environments? How do technological functions relate to security and management functions within correctional environments? What would happen if there was a disconnect among these areas of a correctional facility?
  • What is an example of an educational program used in institutional and community corrections? How do educational and treatment programs impact the success of rehabilitation? What would happen to rehabilitation efforts and success if these programs were limited, or not available? Explain.
  • What are the fiscal demands of correctional organizations? How do these demands directly impact the overall organization and administration functions or correctional organizations? What changes would you recommend to better improve the fiscal situations and demands that affect the administration and operation of correctional organizations?
  • Where do jails differ from prisons? What is the relationship between jails and prisons, as they relate to community corrections? What would happen if jails and prisons were combined into one large correctional facility? Explain.


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