There are about 1 million divorces in the United States a year. Divorce is a legal ending of a marriage contract. There has been a declining divorce rate over the last several years (Knox, 2018).

“Divorce isn’t such a tragedy. A tragedy’s staying in an unhealthy marriage, teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce.” – Jennifer Weiner, Fly Away Home (Knox, 2018)

OPTION A:  After reading over the chapter and additional readings, post your position on the following questions:

[1] Contemplation Phase: Under what circumstances would you begin to consider breaking up (if not married) or separating and divorcing if you are married?

[2] Critical Ending Factors: What would be the deal-breakers? How does this compare to the literature on divorce?

[3} Methodology:  How would you execute the breakup or separation? What are the steps involved and how would this be communicated?

[4} Evaluation: What are the pros and cons of breaking up/separating/divorcing?


OPTION B:  After reading over the chapter and additional readings, post your position on the following issue:

There are more positive benefits to getting a divorce on children than negative outcomes. Or There are more negative outcomes to getting a divorce on children than positive benefits. What evidence in the literature can you find to support your case?  Do not just speak about the anecdotal evidence in your household.

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