Mission and Ministry Event Reflection

Complete a written reflection about the Mission and Ministry event that you attended. Your reflection should be approximately one page, double spaced. Please write in paragraph form and use appropriate grammatical tools (punctuation, capitalization, etc.). Write the reflection as you were telling a friend or family member about the event you attended. Please address the following prompts:

  1. The event and the day, time, place.
  • Conversation Partnership Program


  1. Why you chose this event specific event and what you expected.
  1. What actually happened and if it met your expectations.
  2. Something you learned about the Mission and Ministry Office
  3. Your overall appraisal of the event- since this is you telling someone about the event, would you recommend it, would you go again? Why or why not?

This assignment will include a combined reflection on two activities: the Student Academic Support Services event that you attended and the completion of one or two (or more) of the Study Skills Self- Assessments Links to an external site.. Choose an assessment(s) from an area you would like to learn more about yourself. Try to choose something you know you want to improve on.

In your reflection include the following:

  1. The event you attended and assessment(s) you took. Why did you choose these specifically?
  2. What did you learn about yourself?
  3. What were the most important tips, resources or strategies that you learned? How can you apply them?
  4. What else do you still want to learn, or what Academic Support Service do you think you can use this year?

Prior to your service-learning experience, please take some time to get to know your organization. Visit their website and use any other sources to answer the questions. Your submission should include a reference(s) in correct APA or MLA format.

  1. What is the name of the organization?
  2. Where are they located? Is there more than one location? Is this a local only, state, national or international organization?
  3. Why does this organization exist? What problem is present that they are trying to solve?
  4. What is their mission statement and goals? How do you think you will help fulfill their mission/meet their goals-even on a small scale?
  5. Do they provide direct service? If so, who do they serve? If not, how do they meet their mission?
  6. Is this a non-profit organization? Can you find them on Charity NavigatorLinks to an external site.? Based on the details you found, does this look like an organization aligns with your values?
  7. What is one question you have for the hosts at your site? (And try to ask it)

Complete your summative self-reflection as a story with you as the main character about your first semester as a college student.  Take the reader on your personal journey that the course followed- awareness of self, awareness of others, to awareness of social problems. The ending of the story should be aspirational- what you doing four years from now or 40 years from now? How are you an agent of change In the future?

Here are some thoughts and prompts to get you started:

Begin with where you come from, who you are. Include a vivid description of your main character (you!).  What you thought about yourself. How your thinking changed or was confirmed.


The following must be included in your story: 

How did you learn about yourself- your identify, you as a student, your values, what you want your future to look like? What assumptions did you have about others that were challenged? Are you thinking differently? Are finding more empathy?  What social problems have gotten you fired up about? What do you want to change? Why is this so important to you and why should it be important to all of us?

What classes, readings, outside activities led to these realizations? Your story should include a reference to at least one class session, one assignment and one outside activity that had the biggest impact on your story.

Return to the SMART goal you set in Week Six and reflect on the following:

  1. How did you perform? Did you meet your goal? Did it vary by the week?
  2. What went well and what can you improve?
  3. What occurred that helped you meet your goal?
  4. What barriers came up that made it difficult to meet your goal?
  5. Based upon your performance and what you have continued to learn about yourself, set a new goal that you can apply for the spring semester.

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