Part 1☝

Do you listen to podcasts? What do you make of Spinelli and Dann’s account of podcasting concepts and features? Do they fit with the podcasts you listen to? Select a podcast (or listen to one of the recommended podcasts from this week): how do you see these traits at play in that podcast and the way you engage with it?

1. What do Tiffe and Hoffmann say about the ways women’s voices (and the voices of other marginalized people) have been criticized, particularly in media contexts? Can you think of examples of this? Why insights do Tiffe and Hoffmann (and perhaps the Stoever or Eidsheim readings) give into these criticisms?

2. Tiffe and Hoffman assert that podcasts offer space for women and people with marginalized identities to express themselves in a more authentic manner. Think about the podcast you listened to for this week–particularly if it was hosted by someone who inhabits a minoritized position (e.g., queer, fat, Muslim, woman, racialized, Black, Indigenous, etc.). Do you think this is true in that case? Why or why not?

part 2✌

ere are some questions to consider:

–> In the epilogue, Rodgers introduces Doris Dailey. Who was Dailey, and how does she illustrate the points Rodgers makers in her article?

–> What do you make of Susan Ciani’s performance on the David Letterman show? What do you make of Letterman’s interactions with Ciani? How do Rodgers’s points about the gendering of electronic music help you understand these reactions?

👍 each part Need to read the article(in the files) to write, and need be Less than 400 words,300–400 words

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