11/5/21, 4:18 PM View Assessment
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Pipetting techniques (2 points)
What is sterilization and what temperature, and pressure is used to sterilize labware?
What color is Coomassie Blue- when exposed to:Anionic Compounds? And Cation compounds?
How many micro liters is 1mL of water?
Why do we use a pipette? What are the advantages?
Pigment extraction (2 points)
Write the chemical reaction of Photosynthesis
Name 4pigments used by plants and state the wavelength (in nm) used by each pigment
Waste water treatment (2 points)
What is “Nitrification” and “Denitrification”
Name 4Micropollutants in water
Cell division, mitosis (2 points)
Explain the following terms
· Sister Chromatids
· Homologous Chromosomes
· Diploid
· Tetrad

Your diet and your DNA (2 points)
How many calories does an adult male need per day
Name 7 components of a healthy diet
Name 7 components of an unhealthy diet
What are Telomeres?

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