Topic: Sex and Faith Chart

Prepare a literature review chart. Using your Literature Review Chart – Summarize complete and upload Synthesizing Literature Chart.

Use the references from the Article Review attached Sex and Faith

Part II—Synthesizing the Literature

Begin by looking at the last column of the chart in Part I and identify 2-3 concepts that comprise the most important insights you have gained from reading the five sources that will be part of your literature review.

Insert those concepts into the first column on this page, and then note how each concept is addressed by each article. If a particular article does not address one of the themes you are using put a slash in that table cell.

Themes Article A Article B Article C Article D Article E

Concept 1:

Concept 2:

Concept 3:

What collective knowledge have you gained from reading these articles?

What unanswered research questions can you derive from this activity?


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