Assignment Content
For the Final Portfolio, the student will provide a letter to me reflecting on the course and a letter to yourself
reflecting on their experience (yes, you are writing a letter to yourself – imagine your week eleven self is writing
back to your week one self). Letters should follow standard business letter format – if you’re uncertain what this
entails, here’s a helpful guide from Purdue OWL.
Letters should be 100-250 words.
Here are the questions you should answer in your letters:
Letter to Instructor
What portions of the class were interesting/compelling to the student?
What portions of the class were less interesting/not compelling to the student?
What delivery or materials might have helped a student in this class?
Letter to Yourself/Reflection:
What aspects of scholarship, study, reading, writing, or responding did the student do well?
What aspects of scholarship, study, reading, writing, or responding could the student improve upon?