Respond to my peers questions about the reading, and make sure to separate the answers. The sources will be attached.
1. So, when I help take the students down to their specials, it is always at different times. But there is one gentlemen paraprofessional in the back hallway that is constantly standing in the hallway on his phone. I then heard many other teachers and para’s talking about how he is always on his phone and never doing work. He is back this year and doing the same thing. So, since I am out of the loop on all of this, if many people know he isn’t doing sufficient work, do you think the word got back to the principal or assistant principal in the building? Do you think that he has been reprimanded? All things that really aren’t my business, however, if I can clearly see that he isn’t doing his job, and others talk about it, how does he still have a job? Will this promote other para’s to slack off because he is and isn’t getting in trouble for it obviously? Thoughts? How would you approach this?
2. At my job, staff rarely take the available breaks they have (2 15 minute breaks plus, during COVID, a 20 minute break for lunch). What are ways you would use as a supervisor to encourage staff to utilize their available break times so they can participate in non-work behaviors in a way that does not take from individuals?