Sugar, Fiber, and Calories

Your Tasks

Task 1- Food Log

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks that you ate throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document.

This week’s focus: carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, and calories. You may record fat and protein; however, they are not required for this week.

See the Everything You Need to Know About- DIETARY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENTS page for more specific details on this process.

Task 2- Analysis

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

In regard to calories-

What was your average

Links to an external site. calorie count?

Did your calorie count surprise you? Why or why not?

What contributed the most to your calories?

In regard to carbohydrates (general)-

What was your average

Links to an external site. carbohydrate intake during the 3 days? Was your carbohydrate intake within the daily range

Links to an external site. (recall that the average minimum is 130 g/day)? Were you surprised by your averages?

What type of carbohydrate did you eat the most of? Fast-releasing (simple), starches, or fiber?

Reflect on the carbohydrates consumed this week. Did some keep you more satiated than others? Which ones?

In regard to fiber-

What was your average

Links to an external site. fiber intake during the 3 days?

Are you getting the recommended amount of daily fiber (38 g /day for men; 25 g/day for women)? If yes, what are some foods that you eat that provide the most fiber. If not, what are foods that you can incorporate to help increase your fiber needs?

In regard to added sugars-

Were you surprised by your added sugar values?

Which foods contributed the most to these values?

Looking forward-

What are two foods that you can incorporate and/or swap in order to a) reduce calories; b) increase fiber; or c) reduce added sugar? Be creative!

part two

Dietary Analysis Assignment 3: Fat, Cholesterol, and Protein

Your Tasks

Task 1- Food Log

You will keep a 3-day food log, where you will record the meals and snacks that you ate, along with their nutrients, throughout each day. You can choose to track this using Cronometer or the provided Word document

This week’s focus: fat, cholesterol, and protein

You may record calories and carbohydrates; however, they are not required for this week.

See the Everything You Need to Know About- DIETARY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENTS page for more specific details on this process.

Task 2- Analysis

Answer the following questions in complete sentences:

In regard to last week’s ‘challenge’-

Did you try some of your carbohydrate additions or replacements? If so, how did it go?

In regard to fat (general)-

What was your average

Links to an external site. fat intake over the 3 days? Was your fat intake within the daily range

Links to an external site. (the AMDR is 20-35% of your caloric intake)? Were you surprised by your averages, why or why not?

What did you eat the most of: saturated fat, trans fat, monounsaturated fat, or polyunsaturated fat?

Which foods contained the most fat? Were you surprised by the fat content of some of your foods? If yes, which ones surprised you?

Reflect on the fats consumed this week. Did some affect the way that you felt (i.e., mood, satiety, etc.)? Which ones?

In regard to cholesterol-

What was your average

Links to an external site. cholesterol intake this week? Is this above or below the recommendation of less than 300 mg per day (200 mg if you are at risk for heart disease)? Any surprises?

Were there any foods that you ate that help in lowering cholesterol? If yes, what were they?

In regard to protein-

What are your recommended

Links to an external site. dietary protein needs?

What was your average protein intake over the 3 days? Based on this average, are you meeting your recommended protein needs?

What are problems with diets that are low in protein? What are problems with diets that have excessive protein?

Would you say that the majority of your protein comes from animal- or plant-based sources?

How difficult would it be for you to switch to plant-based proteins? Why?

Looking forward-

How has learning about fat and protein affected your motivation to eat a healthier, more balanced diet?

What are two foods that you can swap in order to:

reduce saturated and/or trans fat;

increase monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated fat;

reduce cholesterol;

reduce animal-based sources and/or increase plant-based sources;

increase protein intake (if protein intake was too low); or

decrease protein intake (if protein intake was too high)?

part three

Discussion 4: Body Image
Your Tasks

Task 1- Original Post
Do the following in your original post:

Explain the influence that body image ideals have on eating disorders and other mental health disorders. (5 points)

Describe tactics for promoting healthy nutrition habits while avoiding an unhealthy concern/ over-obsession with nutrition? (5 points)

Briefly describe ways in which we can improve body image ideals in our society. (5 points)

The post must be at least 250 words. (2 points)

Include at least 1 outside reference, cited in APA format. This reference needs to be cited both in-text and at the end of the post in a reference list. (3 points)

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