Health policy analysis summary

Summarize your analysis of your chosen policy and reflect on it. Use the outline below to organize your paper.

Summary Outline
I. Title Page

II. Summary of Analysis of Chosen Topic

III. Reflection on Analysis

What are three (3) strengths and three (3) weaknesses of the policy?
What would you like to see added, removed, or changed about the policy?
Should the community the policy impacts be expanded or changed and why?
What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner in ensuring the contents of the policy is known by the clients you serve?
Are there any other thoughts or observations about the policy that you would like to include?
IV. References in APA Format

Your paper must begin with the Cover Page.
This paper must be properly referenced in APA format with references relevant to the issue being analyzed.
3-4 pages max (excluding cover page and references)
12 point, Times New Roman font, 1’’ margins, double spaced with page numbers included