Select and answer one of the following questions
Which statistical tests could be used to determine the variance from a population mean? Give a brief description of their key differences.
What are the pros and cons of aggregating data to have a higher level of analysis? Under which conditions would aggregation be the preferred approach to handling the impact evaluation data?
The adult immunization program of Bowe County has reached the effect evaluation stage. Data have been collected from individuals on their motivation to get immunized, use of the enabling service of transportation to the clinics has been tracked, and random telephone calls throughout the county have asked about recollection of the mass media campaigns. The evaluation team is now developing a plan for the statistical analysis. What would be your questions to the team about the data? Depending on the answers, which recommendations would you make?
What is the importance of having both an effect size and significance? Which would be more important to subsequent decision making about continuing a program?
Please start your Discussion with the Question so people know what you are discussing.
Look at the rubric below to see what I am looking for.
There is no specific word count, but 200-500 words are probably adequate.
Secondary responses.
To get the credit you must engage in discussion. This is your main assignment for the week. “I like what you said,” “Great article” or similar are not adequate responses.
A response has no specific word count, but likely 50-150 words are adequate.
20 Points possible
4 Points – Displays a great understanding of the concepts in the assignment
4 Points – Utilizes APA formatting
4 Points – Clear and concise writing with no errors in grammar, spelling, or context.
4 Points – Make a timely initial response.
4 Points – Make a timely and appropriate secondary response. (see tips)