* For this week’s initial post, discuss the following (about a good paragraph on each bullet):
* and then look at chapter 2 of the Miller & Rollnick text, and then discuss how the physician is following all four elements of the spirit of MI.
Dr. talks about how we can use the “stages of change” model with those who are ambivalent about accepting Christ. Pick either “Precontemplation” or “Contemplation” (you can internet search for “stages of change” pretty easy, or go to The Stages of Change (Links to an external site.). Briefly explain what a person who is in that stage without Christ looks like, and how we can help them move towards the “Preparation” stage.
What are the potential “pitfalls” when an ambivalent client meets a helper who has the “righting reflex?”
Briefly name and discuss the four key interrelated elements of the “spirit of MI.”
Youtube Videos
*Medication-Assisted Treatment for Addiction: New Trends and Treatments.
*Introduction to Motivational Interviewing Dr. David Jenkins
*The Extent of the challenge and the call-Part-1
*The Extent of the challenge and the call-Part-1
Books: Motivational Interviewing (Helping People Change) 3rd edition (William R. Miller and Stephen Rollnick)
* Drugs, Society & Human Behavior 17 edition (Carl L. Hart & Charles J. Ksir)