In the main body of your consultancy report, please respond to the following questions 1)What are strengths and weakness of your business client? (Check business client allocation file to know your assigned business client) To answer this question, you need to: 1a)Use the SPSS software package to conduct a formal comparison of customers’ perceptions of the six passenger car attributes (QuestionsX7, X8, X9, X10, X11 & X12)across the three competing companieswhile adapting the appropriate statistical technique for this purpose. (understanding) (knowledge) (presentation) 1b)Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to improve competitive positionof yourbusiness client.The answers will be different depending on who is your business client(Check the business client allocation sheet to know your assigned business client)(understanding)
Selectthreeout of the following five questions 2)What are most valued and least valued car attributes in this market? To answer this question, you need to 2a)Rank six car attributes (Questions: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 & X6) based on their level of importance using a valid statistical test to check if there are any significant differences between these variables (Check section 1 in the questionnaire) (understanding) (knowledge) 2b)Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to guide theirproduct/service strategy(understanding) 3)Are there any significant differences between males and females in terms of their level of importance assigned to six car attributes? [25 Marks] (Optional) To answer this question, you need to: 3a)Compare male and female sub-samples on assigned level of importance to the six car attributes (Questions: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 & X6)(understanding) (knowledge) 3b)Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to guidesegmentation/targeting strategiesfor your allocated business client (Check business client allocation file to know your assigned business client).(understanding)
4)What are passenger carattributes that drive one’stendency to rebuy the same car brand (Question number X14) in the future? [25 Marks](Optional) To answer this question, you need to 4a)Assesscausalitybetweencustomers’ evaluation ofthe six car attributes (QuestionsX7, X8, X9, X10, X11 & X12)and their tendency to rebuy the same car brand in the future (QuestionX14).(understanding) (knowledge) 4b)Identify significant product/service attributes in formingone’stendency to rebuy the same car brand in the future.(understanding) 4c)Ranksignificantproduct/serviceattributesintheirpowertoincrease customers’intentions to rebuy the same brand in the future.(understanding) (knowledge) 4d)Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis toincrease customers’purchase intentions of the same car brand (understanding) 5)Use two-step cluster procedure to classify respondents using:-[25 Marks] (Optional) ➢Basis variables:six product/service attributes(Questions: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 & X6) ➢Descriptor variables: gender(Question:X19),Age(Question: X20)and number of children in home(Question:X17) ➢Evaluation variables: Likely to buy the same brand in the future (Question: X14) 5a)How many clusters in the data?(knowledge) 5b)What is the quality of your cluster solution?(knowledge) 5c)What is the relative size of the identified clusters/segments?(knowledge) 5d)What do different segments/clusters value more in their experience with their cars? (understanding) 5e)How would you profile different segments/clusters?(understanding) 5f)Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to guidesegmentation/targeting strategiesfor your allocated business (Check business client allocation file to know your assigned business client).(understanding) (tip:think of your marketing goal: keeping current customers or attracting customers of competing brands).
6)Construct a perceptual map for your allocated business client using performance-importance matrix. [25 Marks](Optional) To answer this question, you need to: 6a)Map car attributes on the following two axis: X axis→customers’ level of important of product/service attributes Yaxis→customers’evaluationofpassengercarbelongingtoyourbusinessclient. (understanding)(Presentation) (Tip:onlyconsiderperformance evaluation scores for your business clientand exclude performance evaluations of customers belonging to the other two competing firms).
6b)Come up with some marketing recommendations/decisions based on your analysis to optimise new product/service development strategy(understandin