After watching the 3 videos (Dr. Remson, Ryan Cowley, Barrett Documentary), write and submit a 2-3 page reflection that addresses the following 3 ideas (with an optional 4th):
What are some concepts you learned from watching these 3 videos? Reflect on what you learned and how your understanding of stuttering was shaped.
How did you feel watching some of the individuals struggling with fluent speech during these interviews? What was going through your mind?
Based on watching the videos, what are some takeaways that you want to remember in the future if you work with clients who stutter.
OPTIONAL CHALLENGE: Some professors require their students to go out into the community somewhere and try a “pseudo-stutter” or a “fake stutter.” I was required to do this in one of my classes and I still remember the experience. If you feel comfortable, try doing a “fake stutter” out in the community and write about your experience. How did it feel? How did people respond? (I completely understand that not everyone will feel comfortable doing this exercise so don’t feel any pressure to complete it.) You are welcome to go in a small group of 2-3 students. If you’d like to read more about the research behind this type of assignment, see here: Pseudostuttering.pdf