Reflecting on bias research

We want to give you space to reflect on all that was discussed amongst your groups. Recall that you were in groups of peers who read the same article as you (expert groups) and in a separate group of peers who read a paper different from the one that you were assigned (jigsaw groups). Take a few moments to think back to the ideas your classmates shared about the following: The most interesting or surprising thing about their assigned article.

The main findings of their article.

Reasons for why the article is important and could inform other practices.

Writing Prompt

Write a 250+ word reflection and be sure to address the following points:

What most stood out to you from our class meeting?

To what extent did our class activity support your learning about implicit bias and how it plays a role a STEM and healthcare?

Thinking back to your expert and jigsaw groups, what about your group dynamics worked for you? Is there something that might further encourage you to share more with your peers in your groups?

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