Using research of the current literature on the topic selected and relevant to quality management and productivity, prepare a 5–8-page prospectus response complying with the formatting and content instructions below.
Minimum of 5 pages and maximum of 8 pages, double spaced, not including title page, abstract, and reference page
Current APA format
Minimum of 10 scholarly journal references; each reference must be less than 10 years old
Reference page in current APA format, including active, permanent/stable URL links (for online resources)
Double space between references and single space within the reference
A title page that includes:
Course number and name
Case name
Student name
Date submitted
Respectfully submitted to: (instructor’s name)
Problem Statement
Purpose Statement/Research Questions
Conceptual Framework
For Quantitative Studies: Hypothesis/Hypotheses (supported by literature review citations and based on level of empirical knowledge gained from the review of the literature)
Selected Research Approach/Rationale for This Approach
How the data will be measured
How the data will be collected
How the data will be analyzed
How will conclusions be drawn
What limitations exist
Expected contributions of the research and expected outcomes
Submit your Dissertation Prospectus through SafeAssign by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module 3/Week 5.