Tutorial 3
Dame Marjorie Scardino, chief executive of Pearson, was one of the few women CEOs in charge of a UK business. She has held the job from 1997 until the end of 2012. During her time at Pearson she transformed the fortunes of the company. Marjorie Scardino’s distinctive leadership is often linked to her success.
Your task:
Using material from the newspaper articles below, which describe various points in her career at Pearson, evaluate how good a leader she is using three of the following theoretical frameworks:
Trait theory
Behavioural theory
Contingency/Situational leadership theory
Transformational/Charismatic leadership theory
You can also carry out your own research if that helps you to analyse Marjorie Scardino’s leadership.
Please write down your answers to the above questions in a separate document and submit it on KEATS before your Week 5 tutorial. Also, bring your answers to the session so you can discuss your responses with your course mates.