Creating new variables

Download Data for Assignment (Links to an external site.)
Transform the Variable “Sex” into a Numeric Variable and rename it as “Sex_recode”. Use 1 for females and 0 for males. [Use the If function].

Transform the “Painscale” variable into a Numeric Variable [Column N]
Rename all “Unknown” into -1 and “Blank” into -9.

If values are in the following ranges, give them the following values:
Unknown [0] if pain values are -1.
Mild [1] if pain values are in the range of [0-3]
Moderate [2] if pain values are in the range of [4-7]
Severe [3] if pain values are in the range of [8-10]

In order to test if Pulse [Col L] is statistically different between men and women, run a two-sample T-test using the Data Analysis ToolPak {Use a two-sample T-test assuming unequal variances}. Hint: You may need to re-organize the data in order to run this test.

Using a two-sample t-test, test if pain scores a numeric variable that you create are different between men and women.
Which other variables in this dataset can you use to test for differences between groups?
Estimate the correlation coefficient between “Age” [Column E] and “Total Number of Chronic Conditions” [Column P].

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