Instructions for the Annotated Bibliography
1. Use a combination of Internet sources Googling and the CCBC library databases to identify 10 high-quality information sources. Your 10 information sources should include the following.
At least 2 academic journal articles from the CCBC library databases. These articles do not
need to be about Baltimore as long as they address your main topic.
The remaining articles can be from general media sources such as magazines, or
newspapers like the Baltimore Sun. These articles should include some information about
the Baltimore area.
You may include books in your bibliography if you wish, but there is no requirement to do so.
2. Prepare an annotated bibliography with 10 entries, one for each of your information sources. An annotated bibliography is a bibliography that includes information about the content of each information source. Each of the 10 entries in your bibliography should include all of the following.
A complete bibliographic citation in MLA format
A sentence or two summarizing the main idea of the article
One short quotation from the article
A note that identifies one relevant sociological concept from the article.