Level 3 Unit title: Atomic Physics
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
This is what you will learn on the unit. This is what you must be able to demonstrate that you can do in your assignment in order to achieve the unit.
The learner will: The learner can:
⦁ 1. Understand the structure of atoms. ⦁ 1.1. Explain the structure and stability of the atom and the concept of binding energy.
⦁ 1.2. Explain the evidence for the existence and structure of atoms.
⦁ 2. Understand the nature of radioactivity and decay processes and Explain the relative penetrating power of radioactive emissions and assess the relative hazards of radioactive emissions.
⦁ 2.2. Interpret data to represent decay processes and estimate half lives.
⦁ 2.3. Manipulate decay equations to evaluate aspects of a decay process.
⦁ 2.4. Explain practical uses of radioisotopes.
⦁ 3. Understand energy levels in atoms. ⦁ 3.1. Interpret data and solve problems linked to electron energy transitions within atoms.
⦁ 3.2. Interpret energy level diagrams.
⦁ 3.3. Use the Planck constant to calculate emission frequencies for given energy transitions.