This assessment task addresses the following learning outcomes from the module specification:
Assessment brief;
1.You will need to thoroughly read the case study carefully, and address the questions at the end of the document. In addition, as final year students, you are expected to compare, contrast, and critique different authors’ views on the concepts and theories under discussion, identifying the advantages and disadvantages of those concepts and theories you discuss. You will be expected to include material covered in the module and go beyond the module textbook and include material such as journal articles.
You are advised to:
Avoid description of the content of material referred to – critical evaluation is required where specified.
Work should be referenced in APA 6th style. The link below is to the library guidance on referencing and it is recommended you use these resources to ensure your references are in the correct format.
Read widely from textbooks, journals and authoritative commentaries in forming your views.
Refer back to your tutorial work and notes where you have covered key issues and developed critical argument that is relevant to the requirement of this assessment.
Pay close attention to the Assessment Criteria at the end of this document – this lists general assessment criteria and specific criteria to the requirements of this assignment. These criteria will be used to inform your electronic feedback on your marked assignment.
Use the University Referencing guide which is APA 6th. Note that poorly referenced material will lose you marks (make sure you consult the Learning Development Group Tutors on level 1 of the Business School for any additional help needed). You can access APA 6th via Brightspace by clicking on the Library button to access the easy to use online guide.
Do not exceed the word limit. A 5% mark penalty applies for work exceeding the word limit.
Marking criteria