Consider the lives of Jack Johnson, Alfons Heck, and Loung Ung. To what extent were their lives a product of the choices they made and the larger, historical contexts in which they lived?
Please be sure to cite specific events in each of their lives that address this issue of agency versus life circumstance.
In the conclusion of the essay, also reflect on how this issue of agency or circumstance affects your own sense of self as a global citizen in the 21st century.

Make sure to use a clear, strong, analytical thesis, and support it with specific quotes from the texts (try to cite between 2-3 quotes from each memoir). Please ensure each quote/piece of evidence is accompanied by thoughtful, analytical commentary. Double check to make sure the thesis and topic sentences are answering the prompt. Also, any historical connections you can make would be much appreciated, if possible.

To assist you, here are some resources pertaining to the relevant memoirs. You can, of course, try to find more resources elsewhere:

Jack Johnson’s memoir (best source I could find):

Jack Johnson the Boxer

(Try finding some quotes to cite from online, or from the text if you have the book. If you can’t, then that’s alright for this one.)

Alfons Heck’s memoir synopsis and analysis:
included as pdf

Loung Ung’s memoir synopsis and analysis:

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