Essay structure:
Intro: (500 words) State your argument clearly from the beginning. Also provide a roadmap of what the essay will talk about. Example: First,second, third… also include the aim of each part and the correlation. This is the introductions format: -1st sentence :Restate question
-2nd sentence: show the range of views (literature) the essay will look into: The essay will look into the acaddemic literature of……
-3rd sentence: put forward ur argument: This essay will argue that…..
-4th sentence to how many sentences necessary: Plan and aim: this part of the essay will be the roadmap or plan along with the aim of each section: First,second, third… also include the aim of each part and the correlation.
key things to define in th essay:
1) Dictatorship of the proletariat (ideological traditions)
2) Democratic Centralism(organisational traditions)
Literature Review: (1,000 words) A range of views. Examine the potential answers to the question and critique ideas. Look into Chris Ward as he provides a good literature review for this topic. Use only material that you will refer back to the essay
Argument: (2,000 words) . State argument clearly. Use evidence to support ur argument. Compare it to other work to strengthen ur argument. Each point you make in the argument needs to be broken down in the following format: (State ur point, use evidence to support ur argument, explain and evaluate ur argument, link it to the question). BE ANALYTICAL, DONT BE DESCRIPTIVE. From Lenin to Stalin, are we seeing change or continuity? To what extent is Stalinismand the totalitarian regime can we track that back to Lenin? and. to what extent is this a deviation from Lenins line?
Conc: 500 words: Restate ur argument, dont state anything new